How to promote your event with printed balloons?
04.11.12 / Author: Admin
How to promote your event with printed balloons?
Well there is different ways to promote your event, we have been helping companies to do this for a long time..
Starting with the companies emailing us the details of the job, the artwork is then agreed and the details are put into place. We print the balloons in whatever colour they would like and how many or little they request.
There is two ways for the client to have the balloons inflated.
Some clients want to do the job themselves, so we supply the helium cylinders for the amount of
balloons needed, we instruct them about the health and saf
ety of using a helium cylinder. We also show the client how to use the helium and how to tie the ribbon onto the balloons.
The other way is for us to go along to their venue and inflate the balloon’s with helium. We supply the helium, ribbons pre-cut ready for the balloons to be tied on to, the printed balloons and for course our skills. We recommend that there is a room for us to inflate to be able to hold the amount of balloons that is needed. We both can inflate about 200 balloons with helium per hour each, the balloons will be tied to a small weight in bunches of 20 or 25 for the client to able to cut of a single balloon as is needed.
Helium filled balloons can attract children and adults to you, as you are handing out balloons wondering what is happening. Also if you are dressed in a costume and handing out balloons makes it more fun for the children.
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